Thursday, August 20, 2009

Went to see "The Harder They Come" last night with my hubby.  Great show music wise, but why do we need to glorify crime?  The guy shot two police officers and was made a hero.   Huh?  I know they were trying to say that this guy was a "revolutionary" and that he was triumphing over corruption, but to make a hero out of him?  It just adds to the "glory of the gun" mentality that is plaguing so much of our world today.  

Taking Mom out for shopping today.  She has taken her shower and tells me she is "already played out", but she needs to get out and so, I will go do her hair and then trudge her around to her favourite haunts....Walmart, IGA, Cloverdale....wherever she wants to go.  It's becoming aware that these jaunts will be more and more difficult for her to manage as the time passes.  Mom said that she's "spoken" with Dad (I know she's not losing it, her brain is sharper than mine!) and that he said "in a year or so", alluding to when she'd be ready to join him.  Mom said "not just yet", but to her, a year sounds good.  I honestly can't dispute that one.  She's ready.  There's not much joy in her life, save for us and those awful Blue Jays that she's addicted to.  Oh, and Scrabble.  

Forgot to mention, we went out for dinner the other night to North 44.  Ask to be seated at Esther's table.  The food is fabulous, yes, but Esther is wonderful!  I've never seen anyone so vivacious and so obviously enjoying what they do.   Esther's even offered to make introductions for our daughter to some sports commentators, for when Marika needs to start interning for journalism.  Honestly, we love North 44, but the real reason we go back is to see Esther!!  Go.  You will be enchanted.

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