Saturday, August 22, 2009

17 Again

Two of us met in Grade 3. We met the other in high school. We can be apart for long periods of time and yet, we pick up where we left off. We just slide back into a rhythm. Ba da boom. To feel 17 again with such fabulous ladies is a blessing. My daughter says she doesn't recognize me when the three of us are together. We get silly. We laugh. We ARE 17.

My Grade 3 friend lives on Vancouver Island and we don't get to see each other as much as we'd like. My other friend lives 15 minutes away and yet, we don't get together enough. But when we do, expect lots of laughter and silliness. Today was breakfast at Sunset Grille in Milton, after picking up Vancouver Island girl at the airport at 9 am. Giggling over old times, comparing notes on our different maladies and medications, laughing at notes kept by Vancouver Island Girl about books and movies she wants to read or see, because she's afraid she won't remember them, all the while getting a coffee induced caffeine high.

The only nod to our age...gushing about the grandbaby-to-be for Vancouver Island Girl. And how we will all be "great aunties"....who act 17 when we're together.

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