Wednesday, September 7, 2011

Aaaannnd....she's offfff!

Marika's off to her fourth and last year at Carleton.  This was taken at breakfast at Cora's the day Marika headed back to Ottawa.  A few precious moments in a summer that literally melted away.

With Marika having spent 6 weeks in Europe and with my mother being in hospital for the past three weeks, we haven't had much time to spend with our girl.  So, if it looks like I have a death grip on her in this shot, it's because I did.  I'm hanging on for dear life...

Fourth year has come so quickly.  She'll be busy applying for graduate schools and getting the most out of her last year in Ottawa.  It will be different for her...her beau has graduated and is now working in Toronto.  I'm sure she will be home a lot more often!

I remember that first day of junior she went, not really knowing what to expect.  The second day, there was a quivering lip and grip on my hand that cut off the circulation.  And now, she jumps in her car and gives me a wave as she backs out of the driveway...but I think the lip might have been quivering just a bit...

Miss you sweetheart.

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