Saturday, October 10, 2009

Giving thanks

This weekend is a time to reflect on those things we are thankful for. There's the obvious, of course.....for our families and for the blessings we all enjoy. Regardless of your religious or non-religious beliefs, "thanks" is a prayer in itself. If we all took the time to say "thank you" for what we have in our lives, we would be much better people.

It is purely by chance that we were born in Canada. How fortunate we are not to have been brought into a country where war and famine is not an everyday occurance. I'm not saying that there aren't hardships in this country, but it is nothing compared to what people endure in other parts of the world.

We have a young man in our parish who is leaving in November for Uganda, on a 13 month mission. He will try to help the people in his selected village learn how to live in a democratic society, after years of civil war and atrocities unimaginable to any of us. This amazing young man gave a talk on what he saw and what he learned on his orientation visit to Uganda. There were many times, where he had to stop to compose himself as he relayed stories about his visits with children who were kidnapped and turned into soldiers against their will. Of women who were repeatedly raped and beaten. Of men who had their hands cut off because they stole bread for their families. And yet, these people are hopeful. His mission is to help them find their way in this new life and to hopefully, cope with the demons that will surely haunt them forever.

This weekend, think of someone less fortunate than you. Give to a charity. Fill up that paper bag with canned goods and take it to a firehall. Help an elderly neighbour rake their leaves. Simply SMILE at someone. Being kind costs nothing, but the rewards you will reap are immeasurable.

Enjoy your Thanksgiving dinner with loved ones this weekend. Just make sure that you pay it forward.

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