Sunday, September 27, 2009

Binging and purging

Relax. I'm talking closets. At the moment, mine are bursting at the seams and I'm not just talking about the clothes closets. There's the storage room. There's the cold room. There's the furnace room. There's our girl's rec room. Where to start?

How is it that we accumulate so much stuff over the years and can't let any of it go?? We've been thinking about downsizing in a few years time and at the rate we're going, that's how long it will take to clear the junk out.

My clothes closet is literally packed with stuff....some I wear, some I don't...for various reasons. Clothes that I've hardly worn because they were a bad buy, clothes I'm tired of and clothes that are currently too small, but that I will fit into again sometime soon (as if). And yet, I keep on buying things. Of course, the things that I buy are absolutely perfect, compared to the stuff that is hanging there...oh wait, that stuff was perfect once too.

But the good news is that I feel a purge coming on. Myron wondered aloud yesterday what he was going to do with his time now that he's semi-retired. Do I have a job for him!!

So what's with this accumulation of stuff? A psychological issue? Naw. I just buy too much stuff and never get rid of it. There's no deep-seated reason for this. Although my "seat" may be one of the reasons. Ditto my husband. His waistline, like mine has expanded over the years. Giorgio Armani might want to come shop in HIS closet. We've also accumulated a load of exercise equipment in the process....hmmm....maybe I can hang some of the stuff on my treadmill!

Honestly, with the recession, I have tried to stay away from Winner's and I have. That's a good thing. But stuff has got to go and go it will. It's going to look like an ad for "California Closets". Goodwill and Sally Ann, here I come!

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